Monday, December 25, 2006


jerusalem fund call for action and food drive

oppose the palestinian anti-terrorism act of 2006 with 400 organizations at food drive at


ellipse photo "07 call for entries

photo "07 call for entries for photographers who live,work or have studios in md.,va.,, or d.c.deadline is 1-10 applications on the ellipse web site.


jerusalem fund new years

freinds of birzeit university new years eve celebration 8-2 at maggiones at tysons galleria $95/person


austrian embassy events

3524 international drive-exhibit"identities in black and white",wolf werdigier the 11th,rsvp required 202-895-6776--- walden chamber players,bach ,mozart,krenek,schonberg,schedl,dohnanzi,the 17th at 7:30---movie crash test dummies 22nd and 23rd at e street cinema---concert,zemlinsky,mahler,korngold and wolf the 26th at 7:30 rsvp required 202-895-6776.

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