Thursday, August 30, 2007


lieberman to the bathroom,a new surge

like liebermand said they'll be here and they're in the bathroom.they could be in your bathroom.they could be in the gas station's a coalition of the willing and how many people will go in the bathroom with them.lieberman will be in the bathroom with the other hawkish's to save israel and save the toilet paper and to save the fragile coalition of those who fight's to save many people are thinking of daff and the fight in the many troops will it take.a new surge is needed and it might cost ten billion's a new benchmark and one they can handle.a box of popsicle sticks could've won the war but there's a new front and we can't have any hispanics around.they have a problem with bathrooms.they clean them.wiretap them.if they're all in jail you could have an easier time wiretapping them.don't let them in the bathroom.put the mouse there.and that other duck.see what they think.senator craig went head first into the bathroom and was he at lake woebegone?what happened?is the surge in lake wobegone?lutherans in the coalition of the willing?see what edwards said about the catholics?what about the hungarians?

Wednesday, August 29, 2007


war on terror,bathrooms

what'd you do for the war on terror and did you attack a bathroom.the flying tigers might help out.john wayne attacked a lot of bathrooms.duke can get rid of a's our other duke doing?will he be going to the bathroom with the moralistic and righteous,good, decent,biblical and freind of christ senator craig?they could take care of a bathroom.might take care of all the prison bathrooms.maybe he wanted to clean the stalls.did he stop by garrison keillers town and attack the bathroom?why didn't he?which prison is he going to?can we keep him out of prison?should we be careful?there are bathrooms all over the world he needs to attack.what about paris?our napolean and he hasn't attacked french bathrooms.cheney planned it.what they been doing in idaho?

Tuesday, August 28, 2007


sen. craig war on terror

he's a freedom fighter and most americans trust him to fight the war on was in the bathroom.lots of terrorists in bathrooms and esteemed and honorable senator larry craig went right after them.we thought they were in afghanistan or pakistan or iran but they're not.are there any bathrooms there for our war on terror?can the war on terror be fought without bathrooms.what else is in the bathroom and shouldn't the 82nd airborne be sent in instead of our heroic senator craig?he took on the awesome responsibility by himself.was he armed?why wasn't he?don't they arm themselves?took them on with his bare hands.that's how mountain men and not girly men do it.where's daff?

Monday, August 27, 2007


attorney general don't aplly here

not sure we want alberto at the deli i manage.he can't lie cheat or steal and we don't want him screaming at the he headed for daff?got a contract with spongebob?he might do better at fast food then the deli.they probably have plenty of he a legal alien by the way?is he off to mars with karl rove?they both seem well suited to outer space and conquering the last frontier.maybe they've conquered enough and can go back to their closet with the stuffed cats.i was somewhat disaappointed they weren't with the prostitutes.that's highbrow and befitting of them.they must not be so hot.probably got a crush on the copying machine.


opera at italian embassy

say hello to my cousin alberto and belt out your own tunes.who cares what they are and if many people do it at once.bring your dog,cat and sewing machine.we need noise and lots of it and don't want a stupid soprano to get in the way.embassy row also needs a few touches.maybe hang your laundry there and spit indiscriminately.try to keep daff out of there though.italians and ducks don't get along.bring the appropriate baseball bat if mighty mouse flies in.
9-4-'07 american opera at the italian embassy,rsvp required and i.d.

Wednesday, August 22, 2007


more brothels for richardson

is it something long island would think of or consider or the hamptons or wherever else the elites go?no it isn' many brothels work for campaigns other then richardson.look at their people and look at his people.who would want to go to hillarys camp and hang out for a while.she flat out lied can any frontrunner with full media coverage think they can flat out lie three times and make an issue out of it is somewhat dumb and arrogant isn't it?see any whores donating to her campaign?i thought they'd all be with her.the l.a. connections must have some whores.sometimes it's hard to tell if the celebrities aren't whores.we have streetwalkers in my neighborhood and sometimes i see their kind on television and in movies.actually i don't watch television or go to their movies or buy their cd's but when i see them they look like it.why didn't they campaign for richardson?they're far above that.they're in the the skies.zooming over the the sun.they don't have time for a hispanic.hispanics largely don't go to the mountains and sun and also don't abuse the help somewhat dangerously.richardsons camp ain't killing dogs for fun.ain't working for wal-mart.poisoning little kids and animals.ain't lying about their commitment to the poor and trashing religions.
biden and dodd don't have brothels but maybe someone can find some.

Tuesday, August 21, 2007


daff wiretapped?

are they going to wiretap daff?he's a duck.everybody knows what ducks are like.they quack.what's quack mean?who else quacks and who do they quack with?does justice alito quack?does he quack with scalia?scalia?is he rival of daff?an italian duck.lots of parmesan cheese around.lots of pizzas.curious.that other duck is different.he's with that mouse.that mouse is definitely in south dakota and that's exactly what they of the footsoldiers of al qaeda.karl don't's a belch.our boy genius made us one of the most hated countrys in the that smart?he'll be on the bowling alley in butte,montana ready for hillary.there won't be a mouse around.he'll rally the cockroaches and prophets.he's a courageous that they cut a deal with the enemy in anbar province they won't need daff around.they've fully armed both sides of the civil war.should we expect movies in the park?maybe a 4-h fair.a fourth of july parade.daff can be the grand marshall.he can bring some daffodills to plant.a soap box derby.

Monday, August 20, 2007


vick and daff

what's he going to do about daff?daff's one tough duck.daff's taming anbar province.are those really the rapp lyrics?murder,murder,murder?are these our stars?they could be freinds? in the heavens.stardom.who usually says murder,murder,murder?ain't it genocide?how can blacks say that and kill dogs?wouldn't that be our fine uncle tom?isn't that why the racists didn't want blacks to vote?who would give them a vote or talk to them if that's the case?how many fans do they have?stoppin genocides hasn't always been popular.isn't there something of hitler about them and isn't it fairly widespread?our fine world capitol had a rapp star who killed someone committing a wasn't condemned by the press.hillary was in atlanta with a rap star who should know vick.did she get in a fight with a dog?she won i'd guess.

Thursday, August 16, 2007



daff's already there and isn't that good enough?he's a patriot and a thorough cage fighter.see the cage fighter with the big nazi tatoo on his chest?probably with michael vick killing dogs and nike with indonesia committing genocide on east timor.daff may draw the line.a line in the grocery store.maybe two lines.the killers get their own.patience doesn't go over well with them.will the youth respond to a draft?how many riots will that be?i work with some of the youths and i don't think they'd fit in with the nazi tatooed cage fighter.rove getting drafted?bush or cheney?aren't they draft dodgers and isn't that despicable? have a load of maimed twenty year old vets around here and it's an unpopular war and they're losing it.they got their legs blown off for nothing,they could be unpopular and they want more of it to win the war,establish democracy or just kill?when will they get enough of killing the rugheads?off to iran?think they could win that one?send our youths over?they couldn't win a game of paper football.

Wednesday, August 15, 2007


red,white and blue-the trilogy

red,white and blue,the color of the french flag.the color of popsicle sticks.the colors that bind us together.the colors are more interesting then the movies.staring at a peice of blue paper is more subtle then the movie of the celebrated director and it got rave reviews?i made it through the first one but couldn't take any that our patrician and difficult masters work?a great dog of a movie with some nasty,self-obsessed slugs.i think that was the was dumb and pretentious and phoney.phoney and dumber then a bunch of popsicle sticks.i lived in france for a short while and i didn't really see much resembling the place.the next move for the auteur is three hours of watching one of the red,white and blue popsicle sticks.maybe throw a talking dog in and a couple of cigarrette butts.

Monday, August 13, 2007


karl walkest awaith

karl?in the valley of death?with the wheel of fire?is daffy next?who will fight the wars?that mouse is real trouble.without karl,teaming up with daff,there'll be no invasion of iowa or south dakota.the scarecrows might join the hispanics and liberate julia roberts kitchen.those mice must be happy.when's enough enough?they busted the prostitutes,the drug addict,the prophet,regular scandals on the front page of the post,and now karl the lionhearted is out?those attorney general firing e-mails mentioned him.howdy doody might have to stop his mission to obliterate pinnochio.pinnochio,mickey mouse and that other duck are the axis of evil.they're competitive many other administrations had over 150 people go to the slammer?it's a record that will stand the test of time.see the ruskies do about the nationals?can rudy still sell dope?prostitutes might not go over too well these days.we'll send the hookers after can lead them.they respond to a strong leader.karl had a bit of the pimp about him.what'd he do?he led with values,vision and courage.i see him in the wizard of oz.i see him in algiers,tripoli,and on top of the bowling alley in butte montana.destinys duck.greater then daff.then donald.a pimp for all ages.

Thursday, August 09, 2007

why do we want a girl?where's popeye?i didn't see him at the debate and why wasn't he there and who didn't invite him?if hillary's to be anyones girl it would be with she a home wrecker?everyone knows popeyes with oilve oil,i never saw anything in her,and why does she feel the need to get in the way?has she blown up the bowling alley in butte,montana and is that the next move in her strong and stupid campaign?when's the announcement of the move?it's a good move and one that will make her invincible.what's she going to do to olive oil?what if popeye doesn't like her and who's next in her sights?not daff.
my guess is that if al qaeda gets pakistan they'll blow up everybody.aren't they a threat to the government there?how can't it be?send condi over with hillary.get the bowling alley.

Tuesday, August 07, 2007


daff and the debates

who's daff back?why does he back him?how are daffs polls?why isn't he in the debate?he backs richardson.hillary is too much competition and soon after taking office would connive with or without spongebob to conquer the cartoon network.spongebob may not make it to the liberation.i don't know how he'd match up with cage fighters or withstand the jolt of her clothes. she might reveal too much about classified information.she and jimmy neutron wouldn't get along too well either.they have an uncanny resemblance.daff. daff holds the key.most important is that he isn't clever enough to commit a crime and if he tried it'd fail.we need someone in the white house who won't go to jail.who's their probation officer and is dog the bounty hunter on the job?how many are there?where'd they find so many?are they going to be on mount rushmore and who aren't they wiretapping?are they wiretapping each other and themselves?can they get wiretap enough people and who can't they?freedom for tibet.

Monday, August 06, 2007 bush to the slammer

someone has to be responsible and the administration might all be in jail soon and why not impeach him before he gets carted off.they might spy on everyone and how further backwards do they want things to go and who's going to stop them?so it's time to call my co-demonstrator andrea and get a t-shirt. daff might take matters into his own hands,he's a rough duck,a duck at dawn.andrea's almost a duck.she's from iowa.


the clintons african-american appointee with columbian death squads

the clinton appointee,holder,isn't that the guy,is with the columbian death squads?he's an african-american and i assume part of their civil rights march.he hasn't quit his lucrative job or distanced himself from the death squads as reported in the washington post.he doesn't seem to see anything wrong with it.wasn't that our civil rights president?i would imagine columbian death squads aren't in the vangaurd of the civil rights movement.aren't they the ones who send all the dope that ravages,kills,and maims the black community.isn't that a problem?what do enemies of the blacks do?he got a very nice job with a corporate giant,chiquita, and haven't those corporations been somewhat unfreindly to democracies there?milosevic ties and columbian death squads are what we have to look forward to in a clinton presidency?compassionate?a lifetime of looking out for and speaking out for the poor and oppressed?the wheat feilds and belfast.the bowling alleys and pinball machines.who are they with in bangladesh and why haven't they said anything about the woman opposition leader being prosecuted?

Thursday, August 02, 2007


northern ireland and darfur free of satan

say goodbye to the english.isn't it seven hundred years in northern ireland?something around there and who are they going to torture now?is there anyone to torture.they'll have to go to many dictators are left and should we get rid of them?belarus is out.shouldn't be long.what's to do about burma?didn't the far right english start all of that?won't there be movements to get rid of them?
anymore genocide in darfur?what can be done about that crowd?is it the end of satan?is he back in his cell?elections in iran should get rid of that could the hispanics talk to him?weren't pinochet and the dictators anti-semitic?

Wednesday, August 01, 2007


planet arlington world music festival

september 1,4-10 next to iwo jima memorial-skatalites,cyro baptista,benny jones and the treme brass band,lila downs,hugh maskela.
little dublin's up wilson boulevard a few blocks and stop in the italian store down the way,lee highway and spout run and i'll render justice amicabley though sensibly.arlington's on the map lately and there are good candidates up for re-election,tajeda and hynes for county's still a dumb,forthright and decent place.we're hanging in.noone will take the place.hessians may invade.

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