Thursday, February 27, 2014



i helped walter tejada get elected to the Arlington county board and he's running a house seat was a while ago.border security is the problem with immigration?is it a problem with democrats?rep. goodlatte of southern Virginia said there'd be a comprehensive immigration bill,if it passes the house it passes the senate and the president signs it.that was about two weeks they say there's no chance.are they trying to start riots?rep goodlattes seat was held by a confederate general,butler,I think he was at appomotx,and I'm sure it was segregationist.the byrd machine wasn't very good.did he help with desegregation?virginia wants to pass Arizona's with ALEC and their private prison.a fortified border is like the berlin wall and apartheid.why won't they pass the dream act if the border is the only problem.more Hispanics are going to college.isn't getting Hispanics out of poverty an issue?i read where the tea party is based on old was segregated then.big tobacco and coal ran everything.tea in tennnesee?tea with general lee?tea in England?cookies?fancy wall.

Tuesday, February 25, 2014


gay marriage in virginia

all gays were beaten up or bullied growing up in va.anyone who seemed gay was marked.i tried a bit to stop probably couldn't.even recently prominent people said it was bad in va.they might be going too fast with it.there could be firebombings of courthouses and activists.there are hate groups in va.the klan has a hq in's probably national.maybe they'll seems better the more conservatives lose's the supervisor delgaudio who runs the anti-gay group with the legislators and activist who want to bring back the electric chair?loudon deserves better has enough petitions to take him to court and remove him from office.the judge is odd.maybe delgaudio is tied to him.did they keep Italy and Italian-American stuff bad all these years.was he with raegan and the south was anti-communist there.

Monday, February 24, 2014

don beyer for the house,the others are good.don beyer might do the most latino is backing him,at least on facebook.I know him and it was the first campaign I volunteered for.he helped o'bama.I didn't think he had much of a chance in va.there might be healthcare,i know poorer people who need it,gay marriage is the law,no electric chair,the great state of Virginia.

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