Thursday, October 25, 2007


o'bama and the gays?

did i read it right?was there some sort of confusion?o'bama had an anti-gay person speak at his rally and he had said about gays,so i read, "if they want a war so be it?"haven't there been decades of work getting rid of that?are we back to square one?is that a better country?is it a better way?isn't that the old way?what do the hippies think?is that civil rights?isn't there legislation now about that?you can still fire a homosexual for being one without any problem.they could fire every gay in the country and there wouldn't be a problem.what are they doing about hispanics and won't they go after gays?our fine upstanding,me and my co-horts aren't fine and upstanding,citizen of prince william county said after they get rid of the hispanics it'll be the blacks and the asians next.

Wednesday, October 24, 2007


a hard cadillac's gonna fall

who's the hard cadillac gonna fall on?will it fall in the woods and nobody hear it?will it fall on me? has he lost his religion?is he with the surge?did he get his civil rights playbook from isiah thomas? isn't that their scene?nice he with the other basketball player that shot his limo driver?is that the war on poverty?hillary's soaking dishwashers in chinatown.didn't they go after a chinese scientist?i think they're still angry though.lots of cadillacs to sell.

Monday, October 22, 2007


falls church film festival church is where it's bones bit about that one.stop by the fairfax county public access channel and say hi to bob the new board member and see if you can't get some funding for some third world tv shows.we need palestinians,pakistanis and bangladeshis on the will end the civil war and confederacey the whackos are so fond of in virginia.there might only be a few of them after the election and the next senate race might do them in.once they lost virginia they'll have nothing but bigger whackos in mississippi.the idaho whacko representative is retiring and he may be freedom for the oppressed masses.peace to the shoe strings and soda pops.

Friday, October 12, 2007


daff beat up ambassador crocker?

can daff beat up ambassador crocker?does ambassador crocker fight fair?will his mother jump in?betty's probably a fearsome fighter and formidable candidate.she's on the cover of boxes. right up there with chewing gum and bus fumes.a harbinger of things to come with a striking resemblance to soap.soap is's's white.takes a tough dame to bake all those cakes.can't daff punch him a few times,do some body slams and call it a night?will ambassador crocker try to get him torched with the bunsen burner?does he still have the chemistry set? will he get thrown out of old mother hubbards boot?can he play tiddlywinks?kings play tiddlywinks. can't have someone be the lord of the realm that can't play tiddlywinks.i bet he can't.what's he eating?how's he doing with king tuts sandals and judy garlands coffin.has it sped into the desert?is she brokering peace with the luftwaffe?can he sing to a dead baghdad?bet he can hold a tune.won't have any trouble with that mouse either.maybe he'll eclipse the pharoahs.pharoahs didn't own the texas rangers.needs a big hat.some pointy shoes.where they sending daff next? need some intel on that other duck.could be quacking away in south dakota.can't have a bunch of ducks quacking away in south dakota.might get to the fine,fair and fragile coulter woman.she knows how to handle the hammer.he'd get rid of rodents.cats is what the place needs. cats on the wailing wall.cats in qatar.cats in the tv.meow.

Thursday, October 04, 2007


burmese demonstration

saturday at the burmese embassy at 12,i support the monks with the uscampaignfor the archbishop of los angeles has helped the hispanics and so did the washington one and it's time to do them in and vietnam's next.stop by java shack at the courthouse in arlington where the sings came was the nazi party headquarters.we need a film festival at galaxy hut and call larry about it.

Wednesday, October 03, 2007


sinn fein event

sinn fein mp conor murphy,newry armagh, at flanagans harp and fiddle in bethesda and the number's's with the hibernians,irish american unity conference and mid-atlantic irish northern aid.don't expect wallpaper or biblical scholars.what are the waitress's like?there aren't any at the irish bars in clarendons little dublin.the bartender at o'sullivans didn't look like he could read much better then my pastor.they have a strange affection for the dead.


austrian embassy event

oct 5 at 7:30 rsvp required and it's schoenberg,korngold,zahler,bach and gompper.down with the bastille.a dandelion in every mailbox.peace will reign supreme.the seven eleven approves.

Tuesday, October 02, 2007


blackwater to the wailing wall

blackwater's a throwback to the old testament and who doubts's the power of beliefs and the lord.the lord changed george bush's heart and might change his socks for him and his tires and his cat.just like the prophet blackwater's on drugs and what more then that they get drunk and kill there any difference between a vice president and a cab driver?aren't they classified under one name?isn't it beatific?can't do that here.are they designer drugs or the shopping mall variety?not the ghetto.what's the war for but shooting people.can't do that here.trial lawyers.stopping the righteous and holy and the traffic and not doing much about that prophets are tiral lawyers and they don't have dibs on the front row of the wailing wall.aren't the jews usually democrats?they're in the way of the many rabbis have drug dealing masseuses?what happened to the mets?lost to prophet who deserves first dibs on the wailing wall would lose to philly.the mets need blackwater.the flowers need blackwater.vendors at double aa ball in scranton need blackwater.what's daff say?betty can make some cakes for them and decorate them with eyeballs and toes.shouldn't the hammer be at the wailing wall?kick a little ass. eat some cake.get judy garlands coffin the heck out of there.
have rush limbaugh belt out a few tunes.he's no sissy.what's he say about king tut?chicken?
the hoosiers beat iowa.

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