Tuesday, March 06, 2007
scooter making license plates
doing what all good people do,it's a gut check.the chicago bears did time and so did many fine americans and what else can we say but we wish scooter all the luck and i bet he makes the best license plates in the slammer.it even seems to make sense and a sound strategic policy.making inroads to the criminal demographic group which the democrats had been more associated with.top republicans will be in several of the top tier prison systems and able to spread the gospel and do what they do best and among those who will have nothing but praise for them and maybe they can convince the murderers to preach tax breaks.scooter should be sent over to see willy horton who made the bush dynasty and is someone they hold dear and also a good example for boy scouts and the churches must be in heaven now that there is another point of light in the slammer and now able to preach to the people who need it and time is more valuable then money.none of the great world leaders did time and now we have several allies of the worlds preeminent leader with street cred and maybe some new tatoos.think scooter should join the mexican mafia or the white supremacists?how will he fit in to his new environment and what kind of convict will he be?of course he'll be the top of anywhere he goes or anything he does so we must assume he'll have a plethora of tatoos and the kingship to all the gangs and murderers and other points of light that our penal system can offer and won't they be happy to have him.it's a good idea and one whose time has come.