Sunday, April 01, 2007
bucket of blood and y.a. title
a nice big bucket of blood for all of us and we are welcomed as liberators across the world and y.a. title could throw a long ball from the grave and see how many more cadavers we can drum up.not many places get y.a. title and iraq is special that way.have they sold any of the blood?it might turn a nice profit and taxes are probably low.there's lots of things you can do with blood and possibly if mixed with all the sand it can be a moisturizer or potion.we can have boris lugosi fly down and throw a curse on the place pick up the potion and throw another place under a death spell and have the viceroy get to work passifying the masses.all those dead people will save a ton of money on reconstruction.there might not be many left.judy garland can have the place to herself and doesn't she deserve this the middle east peace process our felons had in mind?the hammer and his jewish accomplice abramoff have a real action adventure going on and they'll be in the slammer before it's over.tough on crime is what they are and they don't put up with criminals.rugheads as they're a minority are criminal.duke knows.we can have the lacrosee championships with duke there,how about haitha,and throw some heads around.dust the place up a bit and get some cold ones.