Wednesday, May 16, 2007
death of a fat prophet
one prophet down.they can wheel his coffin through dead baghdad with judy garlands and dump him in the red sea.he didn't make it to the slammer either.he was a close rival of jeremiah and ezekiel.he saw buzzards in the sky circling his biology department.the pagans are republicans,aren't the bikers with the colorado republican,and not irish either.he pointed the finger at them for the al qaeda attacks.what happened to catholics?edwards even hammered them. why can't the catholics be with the pagans and lesbians?catholics would get along swimmingly with the lesbians.the buzzards haven't even circled st many prophets does our president have in his shoebox?how many are fat?i don't see the old testament prophets being fat.desert people aren't fat.did he eat any goat eyes?i can see him chowing down on the eyeball soup with julius caesars cat. they should drop him on diyala province.daff might not like a prophet in his province though.what were his thoughts on mice?how bout ducks?could he read?