Wednesday, May 30, 2007


wiley e. coyote for nigeria

nigeria elected a new president and it's not wiley e. coyote.where's the outrage and when does the riot start.they said it was deeply flawed and there can't be much of a doubt about it as wiley e. is possibly the best candidate for the job and a noble soul with a striking resemblance to many of the ancient greeks, notabley lycurgus and the brave,undaunted and tall spartans of thermopylae.he can't be short if he's going to be a noble soul.short people are low on nobility. when's clint eastwood make his move on geopolitics and hasn't he made enough awful movies and done a violent and depraved service to our country where he deserves a place on the mall.h'es in tough competition with wiley e. but he might shoot him.why hasn't the roadrunner shot him?is the roadrunner after clint eastwood?he's a red.did clint have anything to do with tobias's prostitution ring and where does minnie mouse fit into it.

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