Monday, August 06, 2007


the clintons african-american appointee with columbian death squads

the clinton appointee,holder,isn't that the guy,is with the columbian death squads?he's an african-american and i assume part of their civil rights march.he hasn't quit his lucrative job or distanced himself from the death squads as reported in the washington post.he doesn't seem to see anything wrong with it.wasn't that our civil rights president?i would imagine columbian death squads aren't in the vangaurd of the civil rights movement.aren't they the ones who send all the dope that ravages,kills,and maims the black community.isn't that a problem?what do enemies of the blacks do?he got a very nice job with a corporate giant,chiquita, and haven't those corporations been somewhat unfreindly to democracies there?milosevic ties and columbian death squads are what we have to look forward to in a clinton presidency?compassionate?a lifetime of looking out for and speaking out for the poor and oppressed?the wheat feilds and belfast.the bowling alleys and pinball machines.who are they with in bangladesh and why haven't they said anything about the woman opposition leader being prosecuted?

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